Our Program


Our Mission

We launched Young Plasma to utilize and innovate new uses for already established blood plasma replacement therapies. Our goal is to prevent and reverse many age associated diseases. This includes, but is not limited to; early onset Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s disease, as well as, Type 2 Diabetes, and Lung and Liver disease. Additionally, YP’s vision includes a tremendous opportunity to reinvigorate the body’s natural stem cell production for improved health. 

Our team, is made up of highly trained, fully licensed nurses and physicians who specialize in Transfusion Medicine and Immunology. All of our therapies are widely supported by science based guidelines set by the American Society for Apheresis, also known as (ASFA).

How it works

Heterochronic Plasma Exchange removes circulating substances that cause disease or contribute to disease states, as well as pro-inflammatory factors (fibrinogen, IL-6, TNF alpha), positively affecting the cellular immune system.   Albumin is a potent antioxidant which provides a binding site for free radicals, and contains beneficial proteins. As well as, introducing IV immunoglobulins to help replace old antibodies and act as a powerful immunomodulator. 


In addition to measuring the known medical benefits of plasmapheresis in subjects 50+, which allows the body's immune system to function at peak performance; we will measure the emerging hypothesized scientific effects of cellular rejuvenation. This includes the revival of the body's own dormant stem cells when exposed to a new intracorporeal environment.  

We will also provide Young Plasma as the exchange ingredient for what we believe will provide a more beneficial outcome.


The majority of chronic disease in humans, is the result of declining immune function and chronic inflammation accumulated over time. These problems can lead to physical and mental dysfunction which require substantial medical care.  

Our current medical care’s response to this is providing our aging population with a multitude of pharmaceutical medications, many of which have only treat their symptoms, not the cause of their issues. These medications also come with unfavorable side effects and an substantial financial burden on the families supporting their aging elders. 

Until recently, the medical community cited age itself as the primary cause of chronic disease. However, new evidence is now suggesting that the biological age of our blood may indicate its ability to sustain and restore the body’s existing stem cell functions. 

Young Plasma’s experts believe, Heterochronic Plasma Exchange will have a significant beneficial impact on the systemic health of a rapidly increasing aging population. Our first priority is to lessen human suffering. Secondly, we intend to markedly lower the financial burden that comes along with treating chronic disease.


​Our first treatment clinic handling Plasma Infusions & TPE's is located in Austin, Texas. In an effort expedite our reach and expand our patient base for a study, we intend to collaborate with existing anti aging clinics, wellness centers, research facilities, and institutes focused on improving the lives of patients suffering with age related disorders.  

We are also interested in collaborating with other physicians and scientific experts with complimentary experience in order to change as many patients lives as possible. Inquire within if interested!