You can enjoy the benefits of young plasma NOW

Find Out About This Potential "Fountain of Youth" Described Treatment!

How We Can Help You With Young Plasma

24 Hour Service

We provide sourcing of highly screened Young Plasma for your Health care needs.  We also connect Practitioners who want to offer Young Plasma in their clinics with credible, vetted sources for Young Plasma.

How Much Does It Cost?

Generally, you can expect to pay between $5,500 and $12,000, depending on your body weight, for two one day infusion sessions 48 hours apart. Young plasma can cost between $750 and $1,500 per 200ml unit with an infusion fee ranging from $100 to $250 per unit. Dosing ranges from 15ml/kg to 20ml/kg. A Therapeutic Plasma Exchange protocol can range from $17,500 to $75,000 depending on number of exchanges (estimates of prices do not include lab fees).  Practitioners may charge new patient exam fees to become eligible to receive Young Plasma infusions at their practice.

I'm Interested. Now What?

Please enter your information in our contact form and we will match you with the closest infusion center near you. If there is not an infusion center near you, we will contact you to give you some clinic travel options.  Practitioners, contact us if you would like to offer Young Plasma to your patients.

What, Why, How

What is Young Plasma?

Generally speaking, Young Plasma is referred to as blood plasma product donated to licensed blood banks by persons in good health that are between the ages of 18 and 25 years old.

Why Use Young Plasma?

Research has shown that older animals and people can receive the benefit of many improved biomarkers when infused with the plasma of a younger animal or person. Current research has also shown reported improvements in patients with Alzheimers and Parkinson’s after receiving Young Plasma infusions. 

How Do I Know It Is Safe?

A successful study was conducted at Stanford University specifically for the purpose of determining safety of Young Plasma infusions in the treatment of Alzheimer's. Nearly 21 million blood product transfusions are conducted annually in the US Healthcare system.  All plasma is tested and certified by a U.S. licensed blood bank. 

I'm Interested Now What?

Please enter your information in our contact form and we will match you with the closest infusion center near you. If there is not an infusion center near you, we will contact you to give you some clinic travel options.


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